Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic

If you have been following my journey, you will already be aware that in August, we miscarried our third pregnancy.  At the end of Is there a storm coming? (part 2), I mentioned that we were being referred to the recurrent miscarriage team.

It was the beginning of October when we had our first appointment at the clinic, around 6 weeks after our miscarriage. We were initially worried that we might not fit the criteria for investigations. Currently in the UK, you have to have 3 consecutive miscarriages before investigations take place.  As Guy was a second trimester loss in-between the two miscarriages (and we are yet to have a live birth), they were happy to look into the potential causes of early pregnancy loss.

The first appointment was short and sweet.  The specialist nurse noted down our pregnancy history and explained what investigations are done.  They do blood tests to check for thyroid problems, Lupus, Coeliacs, Vitamin D deficiency, and thrombophillia (sticky blood).  I would also have a scan of my uterus to check for abnormalities.  Once these tests were done, we would go back and see her a few weeks later for all the results.

We left the appointment armed with a prescription for progesterone pessaries which I would have to use for the first few weeks when we next get pregnant.  Then off I went to get copious amounts of blood taken (9 bottles!), and booked a scan in for the following week.

It was an anxious time waiting for our next appointment.  We both felt hopeful for some answers, but equally only wanted answers with solutions.  There was a slight fear that we could discover a problem that meant we would never carry a baby to term.  This even led us to discuss what we would do if this ended up being the case… surrogacy? Adoption?

Last week, we returned for our follow up appointment…

The specialist nurse explained that all the blood tests had come back normal.  This is good news, as it means that there are no new complications and obstacles to tackle.  She explained how there was another test we could have done to look into whether I have high levels of Natural Killer Cells.  However, this test isn’t available on the NHS, we would have to pay privately for it.  We could either go to a private clinic, or refer ourselves to Professor Quenby, who I have heard about before through Tommy’s research.  This is not something we think we need to do at present, but would definitely consider if we have a further miscarriage.

If you have read my previous blogs, you might remember me mentioning my suspicions about having a unicornuate shaped womb (half a womb).  We mentioned this to nurse and asked whether this had shown up on the scan.  She explained that the scan appeared to be normal, but 2D scans do not always show up womb abnormalities.  They mainly check your ovaries, and the lining of the womb, and this all looked normal.

She said they could investigate further with an MRI scan, as abnormal womb shapes would show up better.  We took her up on the offer, as we are really keen to know either way.  Although there is very little (or nothing) they can do about abnormal womb shapes, she explained that we would get extra monitoring for premature labour.  Abnormal womb shapes bring with it the risk or premature birth, and from what I have read through a little online research, can also cause second trimester losses.

We initially left the appointment feeling like we had wasted time, and were walking away with no answers.  But in reality we do have answers.  We know that there is currently nothing serious causing our miscarriages.  We know we will be cared for during early pregnancy under the miscarriage team.  We have hormone pessaries to use next pregnancy which is something new. And we will get an MRI scan to answer our other main query.

It was so easy to be disappointed by ‘normal’ results.  But looking at the bigger picture, this is nothing but good news.  It’s what we hoped for in terms of future pregnancies.  I think the disappointment lies in the fact that it doesn’t give us answers to our previous miscarriages.

What now?

So, now we wait for an MRI scan.  But in the meantime, we are good to start trying again knowing that there’s nothing too serious standing in our way… except for sheer bad luck.

9 thoughts on “Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic

  1. I am going through exactly the same and currently awaiting my results. I too am of the mindset that I’m hoping for something fixable to be wrong. I do hope you get your rainbow baby xx

  2. Hi,
    I have recently had surgery to remove the septum in my uterus diagnosed following an mri after my third recurrent miscarriage. This diagnosis was a great weight off my shoulders as i was so sure something was up and i wish you all the best with your scan.
    Nothing will ever remove the anxiety that comes with future pregnancies but I now know I’m giving my babies the best chance possible. I will also be given reassurance scans because of my history.
    Good luck!

    1. Hi Laura,
      Thank you for sharing you experience. It’s encouraging to know others have had similar scans. I’m still waiting for my appointment to come through though, hope they haven’t forgotten!
      You right, future pregnancies will always be crippled with anxieties, but I’m so pleased you will be looked after next time. Wishing you lots luck. xxxx

  3. Your story is almost identical to mine. My heart breaks for you and your family to have to go through this, it really is one of the toughest journeys you have to work through.
    I felt exactly the same, I was dissapointed by ‘normal’ results and was desperate for there to be some reason why I had miscarried 3 times (that then had a solution we could work to), but there were no answers or reasons just ‘bad luck’ and ‘keep trying’ was the only solution. The thought of going through more miscarriages after the 3rd was devastating. I had a suspected bicornate uterus (heart shaped) which makes it harder for pregnancies to attach and a foetus would then only grow in one half, although this was never diagnosed (and I wasn’t offered MRI scan).
    One of the worst meetings I had was a follow up with the consultant gynaecologist after the NHS routine recurrent miscarriage tests all came back normal, who told me ‘I was at the end of the road’ with what could be investigated, and there was ‘nothing more they can do’. This was gut wrenching for me, and left us feeling completely helpless and alone.
    Before my fourth pregnancy I literally did every possible thing I could think of to eliminate any risks (mostly the guilt you feel that it’s something you have done to miscarry your baby – eaten the wrong thing, been too stressed, worked too hard, carried too much weight, exercised too much/too little). Once pregnant I took the progesterone pessaries (which even if are unproven to help according to some doctors I believe act a bit like a placebo and at least give you something different to try). I ate organic, took a huge number of vitamins I had read about on rm sites, rubbed Mexican wild yam cream into my feet morning and night (all seems pretty crazy now!). I had cranial osteopathy to correct movement in my hips and pelvis, reflexology, I reduced my hours at work and took lots of holiday days. One of the most helpful things I was offered by the miscarriage nurses was to take part in a trial at Southampton university on positive thinking. I was given a positive reappraisal techniques card with 10 questions on, which I was asked to answer personally and then look at every day or whenever I felt low or worried, which by this stage was constantly. I kept the questions and answers in my phone and read and reread over and over and I honestly believe it helped to reduce my stress and worry. I also wrote a future diary of the year ahead and how it felt to finally have a baby in my arms after 4 years and so much heartbreak, in the hope that the universe would give me what I wanted so badly.
    I have no idea which of these things (or combination) worked but we are truly blessed to now have our rainbow baby with us (pregnancy no.4 carried to term) and another on the way, due in 6 weeks.
    There is light at the end of the tunnel and you will get there, although I know that doesn’t necessarily help to hear right now. Stay strong, love each other and try and make the most of doing nice things for yourself that you won’t be able to do when your baby comes to you. Holidays are always good!
    I will gladly email you the positive reappraisal techniques if you would like them.

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I’m so sorry you have experienced so many losses too. It such a shame the NHS is so limited in what it can offer for miscarriage investigations and support. All the alternative therapies you tried for your last pregnancy do not sound crazy at all. I think we reach a point where we are prepared to try all sorts of ‘voodoo’! haha.
      The positive reappraisal sounds very interesting, I’d love to take a look, thank you. My email address is
      Huge congratulations on your rainbow baby. It’s always reassuring to hear stories like ours with a happy ending. Sending you all lots of love. xxxx

  4. After my First child, I have had four miscarriage over the years, I never thought I will fine the cure, until I got a contact of a Doctor, I make him understand my problem, then he sent me the medication which I took, after one month, I became pregnant again, I had no miscarriage, and I gave birth to a lovely son, which my husband is proud of, My son is two years old now, and he is my joy after many years of childlessness.
    Any one with such Issues, can mail him on, God has used him to solve my problem.

  5. This testimony may help anyone who have also suffered from the issue of miscarriage, I have had three miscarriage over the years, after every 12 week I was also having fibroid which the doctor says was the cause of my miscarriages,the tumor makes my cervix to get weak which can not hold the pregnancy, After years of treatment, using numerous Western medicine without any improvement. I found a better medicine that work effectively in all cases of Fibroid, The medicine is liquid and herbal made. It melt down the tumors and does not have any negative effect, now am on my second pregnancy which is eight month, Do not be discourage, there is still hope. Contact Dr.Steve for an order

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