Let me start off by apologising for being such a bad blogger. I haven’t posted anything about what’s been going on around here for far too long, and for that I’m sorry. But I hope this update about us going for Natural Killer Cells testing makes up for my absence. The main reason for my silence […]
Tag: miscarriage
A year of blogging!
This time last year I was pregnant for the third time and I was terrified. Mentally I thought I was doing ok. We’d had a six month break after Guy died, the thick fog of grief was becoming more of a mist and I had returned to work. Being pregnant again just sent me into […]
Chasing Rainbows Coffee Club
Many of us feel so alone when experiencing miscarriage. Some women don't know how to talk about what they've been though, some don't wish to talk about it all all. Then there are others who actively seek out support from people who have been through it. Those who have found support networks, be it online or in […]
A Mother without a baby – #WeAreAllMums
This Sunday, 26th March, is Mother’s Day. It is my second Mother’s Day. To the majority of the outside world, I will not be recognised as or acknowledged as a mother. Why would I? I don’t look like a typical mother. There are no children running around my feet, drawing on my walls and giving me sleepless […]
Recurrent miscarriage and Me
The end of this month marks two years since we miscarried our first pregnancy. Two years since we were thrown into the world of pregnancy loss. Two years, four pregnancy losses later and it feels like we are no closer to getting our ‘take home baby’. This last miscarriage has hit me a little harder […]
The storms keep coming…
Throughout this journey for our Rainbow Baby, I made a promise that I would remain open and honest about our experiences. I apologise if this blog makes no sense, or reads like a load of nonsense. I know I could probably cut a long story short, but I felt the best way to process the last […]
Tommy’s “Mum’s Voice ” Award 2017
So, I’m not sure how this has happened, but it appears I have been shortlisted for the “Mum’s voice” award, at the Tommy’s awards 2017! Feeling so many emotions right now. Absolutely honoured to start with. I’m stunned, excited, overwhelmed and been crying happy tears since getting the email. The Tommy’s “Mum’s voice award” celebrates […]
Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic
If you have been following my journey, you will already be aware that in August, we miscarried our third pregnancy. At the end of Is there a storm coming? (part 2), I mentioned that we were being referred to the recurrent miscarriage team. It was the beginning of October when we had our first appointment at […]
Aching Arms – #DoMoreGood Charity of the Month
As featured on Silver Linings, as part of their #domoregood bloggers campaign. Aching Arms was chosen as their charity of the month. Myself and three other Aching Arms volunteers wrote guest blogs to help promote the charity. Here is mine… As I mentioned in my previous blog, there are thousands of charities out there all […]
Why we love Tommy’s – the baby charity
There are thousands of charities out there all trying to raise awareness and support various causes. Many of them are well known nationally and internationally, and there are some you never know about. Some smaller, more specialist charities we never know about until we find ourself in a position where they are brought to our […]