
Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.

After suffering recurrent pregnancy losses, future pregnancies are filled with great anxiety and are less than exciting times.  I began blogging at the start of my third pregnancy as a way of openly processing and sharing the complex emotions of pregnancy after loss. Sadly, this pregnancy also ended in miscarriage, as did the pregnancy that followed.

Here I hope to document our journey and honestly share the raw up’s and downs of trying to bring home a rainbow baby.

For those who stumble across my little blog who have had a miscarriage or stillbirth and those who may be pregnant again after a loss, I hope that it brings you some comfort knowing that you are not alone, and how you might be feeling is normal.  It may also be useful for family and friends to read to better understand how difficult this journey is.

You can also follow me over on Instagram:

Personal account: @princesspanda_sammie

Blog account: @stormsandrainbowsblog

Fundraising for Tommy’s – London Landmarks Half Marathon