The Calm After the Storm…

It’s been a week since we discovered that our third baby had died.  I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I’ll try to explain. After leaving the Early Pregnancy Unit on Monday morning, the plan was to go back on Saturday for medical management, basically like being induced. A couple of my girlfriends had […]

Is there a storm coming? (Part 2)

I don’t even know where to begin writing this, and I apologise if it’s a little blunt or angry… I guess I’ll just continue where the last blog left off. As planned we went back to the hospital on Monday to see Dr Jenny. I’d had no bleeding over the weekend, which although possibly a […]

Breaking the 12 week pregnancy announcement rule

For decades, it has become an unwritten rule that you should wait until after 12 weeks before announcing a pregnancy.  There is a cliche to “keep it quiet incase something goes wrong”.  Apparently you are in the ‘safe zone’ after 12 weeks, as your chance of miscarriage lowers. Current statistics tell us that 1 in […]

First Glimpse of the Rainbow…

Finally, after wishing the past week away with anxiety, having bad dreams, and being convinced there was just going to be an empty sac on the scan, we had our first ante-natal appointment. Due to high blood pressure in my previous pregnancy with Guy and then his stillbirth, we have been put into specialist clinics.  I […]

First Appointment Anxieties

So on Friday we have our first ante-natal appointment at Manchester.  Given our history, we have chosen to go straight under the care of St Mary’s from the beginning.  They know us, they know our story, they know the plan for this pregnancy.  Nothing needs to be painfully explained to new doctors and midwives and […]